CEB Cargo

Get your things transported from one place to another with the help of our CEB Cargo shipping service.



📦 CEB Cargo

Need to get something shipped? With the CEB Cargo service, you can get your things transported to any of Cebu Pacific's destinations in the Philippines.

Requirements per shipment

🐶 Household Pets (Dogs and Cats)

To transport household pets within the Philippines, you need:

  • A Local Shipping Permit from the Bureau of Quarantine
    • This can be obtained online. Processing takes 3 business days.
    • Print the permit and bring it to the BOQ office at NAIA Terminal 4 or Mezzanine Floor, PSI Building, ICT Compound, NAIA, Pasay City for countersigning.
  • Veterinary Health Certificate
  • Rabies Vaccination Certificate
    • The pet should be vaccinated at least 14 days before the travel date

General Guidelines:
  • You'll need to present vaccination papers and the pet to the Quarantine Officer.
  • Pets must be placed in a strong, leak-proof kennel with absorbent material.
  • Metal cages are not allowed.
  • Make sure your dog is at least 3 months old.
  • We only accommodate live animals on a ventilated aircraft. Aircraft availability may change without prior notice.
Important: Generally, snub-nosed (brachycephalic) dogs and cats are not accepted as cargo due to their risk for respiratory conditions. However, mixed-breed pets with partial snub-nosed genetics may be assessed for acceptability.

🪴 Other Live Animals and Plants

🐔 For Fighting Cocks and Hens

  • They must be in strong boxes with ventilation holes.
  • A maximum of two per box is allowed, with a thick separator to prevent fighting.

🐖 To transport other live animals and plants within the Philippines, you need:

  • A Quarantine Permit from the Bureau of Quarantine
    • This can be obtained online.
    • Processing takes 3 business days.
    • Print the permit and bring it to the BOQ office at NAIA Terminal 4 or Mezzanine Floor, PSI Building, ICT Compound, NAIA, Pasay City for countersigning.

Other permits may be required depending on the type of animal or plant.

🥩 Processed, Fresh or Cooked Meat


To transport processed meat within the Philippines, you need:

  • A Quarantine Permit for more than 5kg of frozen or processed meat.
    • This can be obtained online and countersigned at the Quarantine Office in NAIA Terminal 2.
  • Certificate of Product Registration (CPR)
  • License to Operate (LTO)


For fresh meat, you need:

  • A Quarantine Permit for more than 5kg of frozen or processed meat.
    • This can be obtained online and countersigned at the Quarantine Office in NAIA Terminal 2.
  • A Certificate of Meat Inspection (COMI) from the National Meat Inspection Service (NMIS).

For cooked meat, a quarantine permit is not required unless the meat is frozen.

🔫 Firearms (Unloaded), Parts, or Accessories

Only the following are allowed to ship unloaded firearms, parts, or accessories:

  • Gun Dealers/Suppliers
  • Active Members of Law Enforcement,
  • Licensed Firearm Owners
  • Security Agency Personnel

Gun Dealers/Suppliers need to secure:

  • Permit to Transport Firearms and Ammunition from the PNP Firearms and Explosive Division.
  • Application for Firearms License or Firearms License Card from the same division.

Active Members of AFP/PNP/NBI and Other Law Enforcement Agencies need to secure:

  • Valid service/agency ID.
  • Valid Memorandum Receipt/Acknowledgement Receipt Equipment.
  • Valid Mission Order/Letter Order.

Licensed Firearm Owners and Gun Club Members need to secure:

  • Valid firearms license.
  • Valid ID (Driver’s license, Postal ID, Passport, etc.).
  • Valid Permit to Carry Firearms Outside of Residence.
  • Valid Permit to Transport Firearms and Ammunition for firearms not covered by the Permit to Carry Firearms Outside of Residence.
  • Permit to Transport Firearms and Ammunition for gun club members.
🧪 Shipping Dangerous Goods

For International flights (Inbound PH or Foreign Transport), we accept Dangerous Goods except for:

  • Radioactive Material (Class 7)
  • Explosives (Class 1) except for Division 1.4S
  • Infectious Substances (Class 6) under Category B

For Domestic Operations and Outbound PH, we accept Dangerous Goods except for:

  • Carriage of Carbon Dioxide, Solid (Dry Ice) under IATA Packing Instruction 954.
  • Lithium Ion and Metal/Alloy Cells & Batteries in compliance with IATA Packing Instructions 966, 967, 969, and 970.
  • Consumer Products under UN/ID Nos. UN1266 (Perfumery Products), UN1950 (Aerosols, flammable), UN1993 (Flammable Liquid), and ID 8000 (Consumer Commodity).



Shipping and Claiming

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