Transporting Human Remains

Learn more about transporting human remains via our CEB Cargo service.



🕊️ Shipping Human Remains

You can arrange to ship human remains via our CEB Cargo service. We recommend booking this service at least two (2) days before the intended flight to confirm available space.

⚰️ Human remains

Human remains may be sent through CEB Cargo. Please present the original and submit 4 photocopies of the following documents:

  • Death Certificate.
  • Embalming Certificate
    • This is not required for Muslims.
  • Quarantine Permit from the Bureau of Quarantine – Department of Health.
  • Transfer Permit or Permit to Transport from the Municipal/City Health Office.
The coffin must be hermetically sealed and crated. The estimated freight cost ranges from PHP 15,000 to PHP 30,000.

⚱️ Human bones or urns with ashes 

Urns are allowed in your hand-carry baggage, or as cargo. Please prepare the following documents:
  • Death Certificate
    • If coming from a foreign country, you'll need to provide a true copy with proper translation.
    • Make sure the translated copy is certified by the appropriate authorities from the country of origin.
  • Cremation Certificate
    • Must state that the human remains have been properly cremated, and the ashes are in a hermetically sealed urn or similar container.
  • Quarantine Permit from the Bureau of Quarantine – Department of Health.
  • Transfer Permit
    • This is not required if you'll be carrying the urn as your hand-carry.

General Guidelines:

  • Human bones (exhumed/dug up) must be properly packed, preferably in small wooden crates, to avoid leakage, spillage, or odor.
    • Please also keep this in mind for urns with ashes.
  • You'll need to confirm the requirements with the country of departure and the destination country before making any arrangements.
    • The documents must be in English or the language of the origin and destination country. If not, they may need to be translated and certified.


Shipping and Claiming

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