Add or link a booking to your account

If you weren't logged in to your MyCebuPacific account when you booked your flight, you'll have to use our Add Booking feature to make any changes.



๐Ÿ”— Add or link an existing booking

If you can't find your booking after logging in, you can use our Add Booking feature to link it to your account.

While a MyCebuPacific account is not required to book a flight, it is required to make changes to your booking.

For your convenience, we highly recommend logging in before you book a flight.

General Guidelines:

  • ๐Ÿ”— You can only add or link a booking if:

    • You are one of the guests in the booking, or;

    • Your account email matches the one linked to the booking.

  • โŒ You can't add/link a booking if:

  • ๐Ÿง Can't find your booking reference number?



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