Add or link a booking to your account
If you weren't logged in to your MyCebuPacific account when you booked your flight, you'll have to use our Add Booking feature to make any changes.
๐ Add or link an existing booking
If you can't find your booking after logging in, you can use our Add Booking feature to link it to your account.
While a MyCebuPacific account is not required to book a flight, it is required to make changes to your booking.
For your convenience, we highly recommend logging in before you book a flight.
General Guidelines:
๐ You can only add or link a booking if:
You are one of the guests in the booking, or;
Your account email matches the one linked to the booking.
โ You can't add/link a booking if:
It was already added to another account, or;
It's a Group Booking / Travel Agency booking.
๐ง Can't find your booking reference number?
Check the Itinerary Receipt sent to the email registered in your booking.
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